Went in at 4 to check pumps and air up plugs. Plugs air down to 10 lbs from 25 lbs. Back fill MH#4 and tie pipe into existing MH#1. 21'7". Backfill up to cone top. Went to shop to get cutting edge for hoe. Need for digging up PVC pipe.
Problems: TSI's hoe needs a mechanic to look at idling problem and dipper stick cylinder leaking bad. Glass in door about to fall out. Pins and bushings shot.
Completed modification of invert to MH #1, installed boot, connected 24" sanitary sewer, back-filled and compacted two lifts. Mudded pipe. Set cones and rings/covers off of existing manholes on new manholes. Concrete said he is having trouble getting concrete. Density tests for remaining back-fill is scheduled for Monday at 10am.
Pulled existing four foot cone from manhole #1, took photo and sent to Larry with dimensions and mfg to have a 12" cone built to replace it. Talked to contractor again about sidewalk and valley gutter. I told him it has to be conmpleted by mid week so we can get rid of MOT and get off the ROW. Talked to Beau about what to do with demo items. He said to salvage as much as possible and take to Kissimmee yard.
Problems: mud work was not dry enough to paint so plugs could not be pulled yet.