Beach Renourishment

TSI's owners have been revitalizing displaced beach sand after various major storms since Hurricane Hugo hit Charleston in 1989.  Our experience includes right of way clearing, sand reclamation, debris screening, berm replacement and the replanting of native grasses and sea oats. TSI owns all-terrain dump trucks and the necessary heavy equipment to rebuild storm damaged dunes and berms, while minimizing interference during tourist seasons.

We can also assist with permit applications for emergency dune work.


Snake Island Restoration - 2014

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Snake Island is a popular recreational destination in the Venice Inlet. Within the last decade, erosion caused this island to shrink from six acres to less than one acre. The island is beloved by the community, and a group of passionate boaters rallied for its rescue. TSI was honored to save this beautiful and unique island as well as the hidden historical artifacts it contained through our specialized, environmentally-sensitive means and methods.