August 12, 2013

Backfill sewer lines and around MH (dug up around water MH to get up above water.) cement around pipes and build inverts

Cleaned out sanitary sewer manholes #2 and #3. Mudded pipes and modified inverts. Set MH riggers on #2 and #3. Sealed joints inside and out. Continued backfill and compaction process between #2 and #1.

called Beau to get by-pass quote from Thompson approved. he said to have Amy sign it and return. Picked up sewer boot for core of existing MH $1 Thursday. Told Larry we would only need one joint of 24" sewer to complete pipe. Also ordered epoxy paint for manholes and anti-hydro for sealing boots. Contractor couldn't get concrete until 3, so re-scheduled for 10 tomorrow. Still don't have the new proctor from test lab for backfill between #2 and #3. It was picked up a week ago, city inspector did not schedule any density tests for today.

Problems: Lab technician did not take density tests. City inspector did not schedule. No concrete until 10 tomorrow .


August 9, 2013

Completed final inspection of 24" sanitary sewer with Toho water authority. Continued clearing necessary limbs, brush, etc for 48" pipe run. Formed and poured 35' of 8" sidewalk along lakeshore drive. Williams concrete poured and formed sidewalk/10 cy. Returned air compressor. Returned 8" vacuum pump.

Met with Thompson pump to measure and confirm set up next week for sewer bypass. 8" pump was proposed but after meeting with Toho lift station personnel, it will have to be done with 12" pumps. The peak flow levels are too high for an 8" pump to be comfortable. Existing 24" sewer runs half to 3/4 full. Toho said they could shut down two lift stations upstream long enough for us to plug the line. Lab contractor for city is not preforming at a level for us to backfill and get above the water line. Talked to city inspector (Butch) about the situation today. They did finally show up at 5pm today and we had two lifts pass, but due to rain the other lifts were too wet. He was supposed to be there at 11am.

Problems: heavy rain prevented us from pouring valley gutter and densities on one section of backfill.

set up to test sewer lines. Test all lines passed. Concrete men formed sidewalk and poured RAIN! Rained 3 times and a lot. Pumped out water hole and broke down big pump 8" sent 8' pump back to Thompson pump. Waited on density man till 5. He got here in a rain storm. Test line between between #1 and #2. Bottom and next 2 lifts passed. Did not test between 3-2 too wet. Took test plugs back to yard. 

August 8, 2013

Pre-tested all 24" sanitary sewer lines with all passing. No backfill or compaction because testing lab didn't come. Cut down large oak limbs over path of 48" AOS storm pipe. Set out MOT but did not close lane because concrete plant cancelled due to emergency pour.

called Thompson pump to set up delivery of sanitary sewer bypass for monday. Scheduled lamp and air test with Toho inspector tomorrow. Called Larry to tell him we need two joints of 24" sanitary to complete tie- ins.

Problems: density/lab technician did not show up. Concrete was bumped by plant and can't get it until tomorrow at 1.

Got all test equipment to test sewer pipe. Inspector wants us to pre-test pipe to ensure pipe test will pass. We had some problems but got all pretest off. Will set up for test in AM. Concrete boys could not get concrete today to pour curb sidewalk set up for tomorrow.


August 7, 2013

Completed 24" sanitary sewer from MH #2 to existing manhole. Backfilled and compacted three 12" lifts. Began mudding pipe in sanitary manholes. Had to break out some of the existing inverts. Set risers to protect from rain.

jimmy went to shop for test plugs, air compressor and fittings to pre-test sanitary sewer tomorrow. Met with Toho inspector to confirm final lamp and test tomorrow or Friday.

Problems: City inspector cancelled density tests.
Scott Haggard got too hot yesterday and was admitted overnight with cramps and severe dehydration. Informed Amy and Larry at the office. He was released for work today.

Started in middle of run between MH #2 and existing MH and laid up to within 1.5 joints of existing MH. Stopped to test and backfill. Went to yard and got plugs and went to get fittings to plumb out for testing tomorrow .


August 6, 2013

Set up and laid 100' of 24" sanitary sewer from MH #2 to MH #1. Backfilled and compacted two lifts with marking tape. Set risers on MH#2 and MH#3. Density tests were not taken today because excavated material is not working. Lab technician took two material samples for new proctors. MOT for lane closure was delivered along with two loads of #57 stone.

called Beau to discuss air testing process for sanitary sewer and what Toho is requiring. We have two 24" plugs that should work but if not Beau said to rent them. It has been very hot in the past two days and is even hotter in the 14' ditch. We havce to watch the pipe layers and make sure they get breaks in the shade and stay hydrated.

Set up and start running pipe toward existing MH. Ran 1/2 way and start to back filling and compacting. Density man came and fill too wet. Took more dirt samples to get another proctor to see if it would help.

Picked up mower and herbicide. Mowed civic center pond.


August 5, 2013

Set up and laid 24" sanitary sewer from MH #3 to MH #2. Set MH #2, backfilled and compacted 6 12" lifts. Two lifts did not pass due to high moisture level in backfill material which contains a large amount of clay's.

Beau stopped for about ten minutes to check progress. Met with concrete contractor to price valley gutter and sidewalk for Wednesday. Confirmed layout for work tomorrow. Also contacted sunbelt and ordered MOT needed for concrete pour to be delivered tomorrow. Ordered two loads of #57 stone for tomorrow and scheduled testing of sewer main with Toho water.

Ran pipe from MH #3 to MH #2. Set MH #2 and continued with backfill. Density man came and only 1 lift around MH #2 passed. Too much moisture in fill. Clay is holding water. Tomorrow we will start to lay toward existing MH and rest of crew will cut some fill out and mix it and repack. ??? Hopefully it will pass. I think we have got to pack it longer.


August 2, 2013

Completed 24" sanitary sewer to manhole #3 and set structured backfilled and compacted lifts to grade. Density tests taken on backfill and passed.

called for MOT so lane closure to pour concrete next week. Called dirt contractor to tell him time frame for pond excavation to begin. Ordered two loads of #57 stone for completing pipe work. Called concrete contractor to confirm pour next week. Called surveyor to confirm layout for concrete pour monday.

Finished laying to MH #3 and set bottom back fill and get compaction 15' cut to bottom of rock for MH. What happened to 9' cut? Bring up to grade between MHs safe up for weekend. Job drying out finally! Back fill compaction all test ok.


August 1, 2013

Set up and began 24" sanitary sewer at manhole #4 at 80'. We stopped due to conflicts. Back filled and compacted two lifts with densities taken and passed. Masonry sand was delivered. Price for sidewalk/gutter from two contractors.

At about 80' from MH #4 we found a 20" DIP pipe and valve. 20' beyond that we hit a 12" storm pipe for an area drain. Neither of these are shown on drawings or were marked with locates. Called Toho water and they said it was an abandoned force main that is grouted. The storm pipe was for an area drain on the property line. The problem was they were in a location that cost us valuable time excavating under them to continue pipe work. Jimmy took photos for documentation. We had two concrete contractors price replacing the 8' sidewalk and 6' valley gutter at open cut. Called Beau to give him the prices.

Problems: force main not located. Storm drain not located.

Set up to lay sewer. Set 1st joint 8' from first MH. Laid to next MH. Less 16' will set last joint and 1/2 tomorrow morning and MH. Encountered by pass main not shown on drawings. Another yard drain 10" and went under force main. Back fill 5" up. Compaction ok on first lift. 2" over pipe. 12' cut deep.


July 31, 2013

Pumped down pond, backfilled and compacted around control structure. Final density tests around structure and access dry all passed. Completed pot holes information of 20" force main and 14" water main. Installed 154' of 12" RCP north of Toho drive.

Toho water finally removed 2" irrigation service so we can install storm structure and pipe. They had four people trying to locate force main. Their information showed it is one location and 14'. We found it at 5' deep where they had locates for the water main. Gave drawing with elevations to Larry for 12" ADS. Plans call for 12" PVC but the existing pipe is ADS/HDPE.

Problems: Toho water's locate of 20" force main was 50' from actual location and had us looking for 5 hours.


July 29, 2013

Located and excavated around fiber optic cable and underground power. Cleaned up muddy site and graded. Potholed existing sanitary sewer, fiber optic cable and communication cables for pricing of an additional storm pipe 20" force main and 12" water main have not been located to excavate. Called MOT off rent.

Jimmy took photos of exposed utilities showing conflict and documented mud in pipe. Called off all MOT not needed to be picked up. Received 12" RCP for additional pipe run across Toho drive. We were down from 9:30 to 4:30 waiting for Toho to clean lines. We excavated, exposed and cut existing MES and prepared to lay pipe at another location. we encountered the same 1" irrigation line and Toho water can't find out where to shut it off so it can be relocated.

Problems: power conduit was in conflict with pipe. Had expose 50' of conduit and raise to clear. Could not complete ercp to pond due to waiting almost 7 hours for Toho water to clean storm pipe of mud washed in when 2" irrigation blew apart last week.

Locate fiber optic and electrical and tv cable. Had to raise electrical conduit 1'4" to get pipe under. Dirt in pipe from irrigation line that broke Thursday. John and Butch shut us down from washing pipe out in lake we had barriers in place in lake. City coming with vack truck to wash pipe and vack out. We waited from 9:30 till 4:30 for them to get out of our way. Rain on the way. Safe up for tomorrow. While we waited we saw cut pipe off of miter and north of where we were working box.


July 26, 2013

Put down limerock for subgrade. Compacted, graded, and density taken. Put asphalt in open cut and side walk at seawall. Rolled all asphalt and sanded. All asphalt is temporary to open road. Removed all MOT required for open cut and opened to traffic. Clean up ROWs, set barriers at pipe end and barricades on ROW. Density tests on limerock base were 100+

Jimmy sent photos to Beau of the work zone upon completion. Took inventory of MOT for return monday. Took all equipment not needed back to yard. Took inventory of all stored materials with city inspector for draw requests.

Finished back filling and put down limerock. Got density and graded off t o pave. Tacked and paced. Clean up. Place road barriers in closed sidewalk and opened road. No rain (what happened!?) 

July 25, 2013

Mudded grip to seawall and backfilled for sidewalk restoration. Put #57 stone for temporary use. Back filled pipe trench to subgrade level and compacted. Removed sidewalk on ROW and excavated for existing utilities. Installed one joint of grip to ROW. Backfilled and compacted. Testing lab pulled density tests on pipe backfill and subgrade with both passing.

Heavy rain as soon as we got to jobsite. Had to remove wet backfill placed yesterday and re-fill. 2" irrigation that blew apart was not caused by us. City inspector was on site and notified Toho water. It took them 2.5 hours to make the repair. We blocked the flow of water away from pipe trench but we still had a foot of sand washed into pipe. We had another heavy rain at 12 and we had to remove one lift of pipe backfill again and excavate some dry material from pond location. Opened sidewalk access at wall and closed access at ROW. Cleaned up all wet material from roadway and ROW. scheduled asphalt for open cut tomorrow and will re-open road to traffic.

Problems: 2" irrigation line blew apart, flooding ditch and washing a foot of sand in our pipe.

Rain storm delayed everything up to 50. Back to work and 2" irrigation service broke and flooded area again. Dried up and went back to work and rain again. Can't get ahead. Dug road crossing out 2 times before we could get it dry enough to get a density test off. Back fill up to sub grade and laid 1 more joint of pipe to get out of roadway. Open side walk and closed the other side. Went to shop to work on mixer. 

July 24, 2013

Toho water authority replaced 15" VCP sewer main. We excavated for them to speed up the process. Laid 29" x45" ___ from seawall to sidewalk across road. Back filled to top of pipe and compacted. Stopped at sidewalk because seawall sidewalk has to be replaced before opposite side is removed.

city inspector informed toho waster authority that sewer main had no locates. Took 3 hours so it affected what we needed to accomplish today. Jimmy talked to Beau about progress and sent photos of repair and over pipe run. Called to have bobcat and roller brought to job in the morning. Also picked up brick and ___ for mud work tomorrow.

Problems: rained twice so we couldn't mud pipe to seawall or place any more backfill.

Toho water department fixed broken sewer main with us digging it out and using 2 yards of 57 stone. Took back air compressor and jack hammer to Neff. Rain rain and more rain. Still got across road and ready to back fill and put down limerock and asphalt by Friday.

Problems: 4 hours delay in project no locate.


July 23, 2013

Used saw and air hammer to break through seawall. Put joint of pipe through wall and secured. Saw cut and removed asphalt base and valley butter for open cut of lakeshore drive. Hit existing 15" RCP sanitary sewer that was not located. Called inspector and safed up.

Beau called and asked for Scott to work at twin oaks. Hydraulic saw and hydraulic hammer never arrived so we had to use a hand saw and rent an air hammer. This caused us to take 8 hours to cut through wall before we could lay pipe. While excavating to install one more pipe, we hit a 15" RCP sewer main that was not located. It also is in conflict with storm pipe as we can't go over or under. City inspector was onsite and is aware of conflict. Did a makeshift repair for tonight and i also notified Beau.

Problems: hydraulic saw would not work and hydraulic hammer did not arrive.

Saw cut road and talk up asphalt and base. Mark wall and saw cut and break out. Base 1 1/2' thick. Set first joint and dug out for second and hit 15" VCP sewer. Safe up and will come back in the morning and fix. Locater did not mark and also not in straight line between m.h.


July 22, 2013

Put out all required MOT for open cut and closed road. Excavated behind seawall and located tiebacks. Excavated to grade marked location of pipe on wall and put down rock bedding. Removed necessary sidewalk, laid out cuts on asphalt and began cutting roadway put down wellpoint system for sanitary sewer.

Beau stopped by to check progress. I told him what we had exposed and that there was no extension footer on back side of wall. I also told him mini excavator would not be delivered until late afternoon so i would use track hoe. He said would be going down south tomorrow, but if we needed any thing to call.

Problems: didn't get turbidity barrier in time to put out today.

Close road. Reroute traffic. Used J.T. Hoe to locate utilities of wall tie? Backs. Went to yard to get power unit for concrete sand. Beau showed what was wrong with unit and I worked on it till it caught fire in my truck, so I took it to shop and gave to Skinny Bob. Well point men put 90% of system in and fain came at 4:30 so they quit and will return tomorrow.


July 17, 2013

Put radiator in truck and changed transmission fluid and filters. Took old radiator back for refund. Went to civic center to meet with wellpoint bots. Met with Bob hargart and planed work for tomorrow.


June 13 2013

Removed stripings from property line and used it to fill and dress up site. Had site mowed per email from city. Received two loads of concrete pipe, did not get load of structures as scheduled. Scheduled layout of storm and sanitary tomorrow. Some locates were performed today.