Located and excavated around fiber optic cable and underground power. Cleaned up muddy site and graded. Potholed existing sanitary sewer, fiber optic cable and communication cables for pricing of an additional storm pipe 20" force main and 12" water main have not been located to excavate. Called MOT off rent.
Jimmy took photos of exposed utilities showing conflict and documented mud in pipe. Called off all MOT not needed to be picked up. Received 12" RCP for additional pipe run across Toho drive. We were down from 9:30 to 4:30 waiting for Toho to clean lines. We excavated, exposed and cut existing MES and prepared to lay pipe at another location. we encountered the same 1" irrigation line and Toho water can't find out where to shut it off so it can be relocated.
Problems: power conduit was in conflict with pipe. Had expose 50' of conduit and raise to clear. Could not complete ercp to pond due to waiting almost 7 hours for Toho water to clean storm pipe of mud washed in when 2" irrigation blew apart last week.
Locate fiber optic and electrical and tv cable. Had to raise electrical conduit 1'4" to get pipe under. Dirt in pipe from irrigation line that broke Thursday. John and Butch shut us down from washing pipe out in lake we had barriers in place in lake. City coming with vack truck to wash pipe and vack out. We waited from 9:30 till 4:30 for them to get out of our way. Rain on the way. Safe up for tomorrow. While we waited we saw cut pipe off of miter and north of where we were working box.