Completed 24" sanitary sewer from MH #2 to existing manhole. Backfilled and compacted three 12" lifts. Began mudding pipe in sanitary manholes. Had to break out some of the existing inverts. Set risers to protect from rain.
jimmy went to shop for test plugs, air compressor and fittings to pre-test sanitary sewer tomorrow. Met with Toho inspector to confirm final lamp and test tomorrow or Friday.
Problems: City inspector cancelled density tests.
Scott Haggard got too hot yesterday and was admitted overnight with cramps and severe dehydration.
Informed Amy and Larry at the office. He was released for work today.
Started in middle of run between MH #2 and existing MH and laid up to within 1.5 joints of existing MH. Stopped to test and backfill. Went to yard and got plugs and went to get fittings to plumb out for testing tomorrow .