August 14, 2013

Backfill storm run and mud pipe in. Get set up for by-pass.

28" sanitary sewer by-pass system set up. completed backfill and compaction of sanitary sewer/density tests are scheduled for tomorrow. complete backfill and compaction of 15" HOPE set grates on all control structures with fabric.

Problems: Thompson pump arrived late No concrete pour again today. 

Thompson pump didn't arrive until 11 am to set up 700' of 12" sewer bypass. They did not have fittings needed although they came to site last week to measure and make a list of necessary fittings. Then they want4ed to push it back until tomorrow because they had no help. I told them it had to be set up today because all notifications had been sent and lift stations were being shut down at 3 am. They had to make fittings on site did not install the plugs or floats and didn't return at start up at 4 am. We helped them put everything together and did not finish until 11 pm. We had to rent equipment for plug installation and wait until they returned from their yard at 10 pm to complete system. left at 11 pm and returned at 3:30 AM