Hauled 23 loads of trashey muck to Kissimmee yard. Set up pump in east end of pond to pump down to start finish grading. John hauled off 3 loads of wood debris to Kissimmee yard.
Hauled 23 loads of trashey muck to Kissimmee yard. Set up pump in east end of pond to pump down to start finish grading. John hauled off 3 loads of wood debris to Kissimmee yard.
Drove dump truck and hauled 26 loads of muckey trash to Kissimmee yard to be screened out. fergison underground delivered pipe fittings for back flow. Sod mat for pond slope. Hanson precast delivered MH rings and culvers for sewer MH and 2 grates for control structure.
Today, hauled muck with wood and trash to Kissimmee yard. 18 loads. At 5pm, went to Kissimmee yard and stacked all 36 loads up in a pile to be screened with loader from pond job. Back to pond.
Larry called to discuss time frame for completion of Civic Center Pond. He said the city wants us out of the pond by the 31st of this month. I told him we should be, but we will have to get pond contractor finished and out of the way. I told him we will probably have to get pipes cleaned, but we will try again with jet pump.
Set top on control box culvert box. Loaded out wellpoint pump and points. Had to put water in loader bucket and wet haul road because of dust. Hauled 18 loads of cross-ties wood and trash in top soil to Kissimmee yard to be screened.
Cleaned top wall of structure #s-100, installed double row of ramneck sealer and set to slab with rings and covers. Re-conected existing 4" underdrain to #s-100 and id a partial back-fill around structure with rock. Began hauling the contaminated/unsuitable material from pond to Kissimmee yard for screening later.
Larry was on site this morning for setting of top slab on structure #s-100. We all took photos of process, including Butch from the city. Surveyors will not be here until friday to replace pond layout.
Today we pumped water out of box culvert storm box and installed the inverts we poured last Friday. We also installed skimmer as per inspector "Butch" and John Tulack. Mid morning went back to yard while box was pumping down and got dump truck to haul away to storage yard (Kissimmee) yard. Top soil with roots in it. Will need to be screened.
Set 2" and 6" pump up in #s-100 to pump down and maintain flow. Used a jack hammer to clean all concrete from floor and installed 8 precast inverts sections. Installed fabricated aluminum skimmer to weir wall as per plan. 110 loads/1980 CY. Contractor began exporting fill from pond again. Skimmer for structure #s-100 was delivered today.
Larry stopped by jobsite for pond progress and talked to Butch about BFP relocation and skimmer for #s-108. Got our dump truck from shop to begin hauling contaminated/unsuitable material for pond excavation to Kissimmee yard stockpile.
Started forms. Trash all little pipes in civic center dumpster. Started grading pond. I went and made skimmer for drain box (box culvert) skimmer . Had 2 brackets bent at tri city welders.
Stripped forms from inverts poured Friday for structure #s-100 and disposed of materials. Began removing excess fill from south end of pond top and pulling slopes. Completed fabrication of skimmer for structure #s-100 for installation tomorrow. Continued excavation on north end of pond and grading slopes. Talked to Larry about pond contractor and his lack of progress. I told him we will have to pump south end down to make repairs of slopes that are not correct. Scheduled partial layout for Wednesday with surveyor. And called Beau to discuss situation with pond contractor and his lack of acceptable progress.
Problems: need trucks haul spoil piles from pond area. Fill site for pond material is still too wet for import.
Today we poured 4 yards of concrete in 4 forms. Witch will be precast invert for big storm box culvert invert. 12'x31.5"x12'4" Took generator and trailer back to yard and put away all concrete tools and trailer. Talked to skinny about cutting alluminum for skimmer.
Formed and poured eight invert sections for structure #s-100. Pond contractor continued pond excavation, but did not export any material because import job is still too wet.
Dropped off material to have skimmer for structure #s-100. Pond excavator stopped running 8" dewatering pump because he needs more rock for kelly well and is too cheap to buy any. He can't finish digging the pond without dewatering. He is digging and stockpiling until he can export again.
Went to Twin Oaks to put survey disc on control structures (3). Went to CC Pond and met with City to get approval on invert design for forming inverts on land and setting them in box. Went and got material for forming and steel from yard. Made 2 sets of forming 2 move to go and need to set steel tomorrow. Went to shop and made chain and angle iron to go in concrete for lifting.
Subcontractor continued pond excavation but dump site is still too wet for import. Continued filling and grading around perimeter of pond. Began restoring grades for finishing slopes. Built two forms for inverts in #s-100 and pre-fabbed material for the remaining two.
Talked to Beau about setting up pump for pond contractor. I also talked to him about hauling top soil pile to yard on MLK to screen later. Gave Larry the list of materials we will need to move 6" BFP. Toho water located gate valve for BFP and raised to grade. Dub Kelley well and helped set up pump for contractor. Used three loader buckets of rock and told him if he needs anymore they would have to buy it. We need what we have for structure #s-100.
Hauled 2 loads of 57 stone to job for back-fill around storm box (box culvert) took old skimmer off of old existing storm box to build new skimmer for storm box 100. Box culvert weir. Took to yard for skinny bob to cut to size. Picked up hammer drill to mount brass disc in storm boxes at twin oaks. 3 boxes.
Contractor continued pond excavation and slopes. We continued hauling material to perimeter of pond and grading. Removed old skimmer from demo control structure so we can fabricate one for #s-100. 54 loads/972 CY.
Met with Toho locator to determine valve and feeder main for 6" BFP to be relocated. Told Butch, John and Larry what we found and how we could move it. Told Larry the fittings we would need and to forward everything to John at his office. Sent photo to Beau of top soil we accumulated from pond excavation to see if he had a use for it somewhere because we will have extra.
Problems: need truck for debris. Need #s-100 skimmer, #s-108 skimmer and grate.
Started pump at 5:30 to have box pumped down by 7:30 when concrete saw men got there to saw box. Men got there and had a hard time sawing box so we had to dig out more for them raising box to get sloppy and wetter. Rain did not help, so we are going to have to put some 57 stone in sloppy wet areas to get compaction. Need rock so i went to yard and check out dump truck to go get rock in the morning. No driver.
Carl's concrete cut approximately 4" off top wall for clearance of top slab to finish pavement. Continued cleaning unsuitable fill and stacking debris. Continued filling and grading pathway around top of pond. Shot pond elevations for excavation contractor. Pond contractor continued working on slopes. No trucks again today.
Met with Larry, John and Butch about driveway at structure #s-100. They discussed several options and decided to use my idea and maybe change from base and asphalt to concrete at approach. Told Larry we need the skimmer and missing grate. Also to check with Hanson about casting four sections of invert for #s-100 since box culvert is flowing full.
Problems: need truck to haul away debris and demo materials.
Started pump in early AM and pump down outside of box. Rock around 48" pipe and around kelly well. Back-fill and compact. Tie roof drain into box culvert section and under drain on the other side. Break down 6" pump in MH for bypass and roll all hoses up break down wellpoint pump and points. Rain at 2pm.
Pumped out perimeter of #s-100, back-filled and compacted to within 3' of grade so contractor can cut walls tomorrow. Re-connected existing 4" underdrain to new box culvert and sealed. Shut down and removed wellpoint system for return tomorrow. Removed 6" pump from box culvert. Helped pond contractor set up 8" dewatering pump.
excavation contractor worked this weekend to get material he left in south end of pond.
Met with Larry on site about debris from pond excavation, 6" backflow relocation and grade issue at #s-100 in relation to existing curb and driveway to parking area for civic center. Also discussed options for driveway modification with John and Butch from city. They liked my idea and will let me know tomorrow.
Arrived at work to find hole full of water and about to flow over weak. No rain last night and could not figure where all the water came from. We were able to maintain water yesterday but could not pump it down till we put more sand bags in MH. Pump down around 10:30 and laid last joint of 48" ADS in to box and cement in. Joint back to job tonight to gas up small pumps last time to give cement time to dry. Will back some tomorrow. Put 48" plug in line to keep from flooding job.
Contractor stripped forms from #s-100 after 3 hours of pumping. Tied 48" HDPE into #s-100 and mudded pipe, removed sand bags and began
back-fill and compaction. Installed plug in 48" FES and continued cleaning debris from pond and grading top. Pond contractor began pulling and grading slopes as agreed. No trucks today.
City inspector gave me a drawing that shows how 6" BFP to be relocated was installed. I told him the valve to shut down the BFP has been paved over, one leg of feeder pipe is under pavement and none of that is shown on plans. I will get with Larry and Beau before we do anything because it involves a lot more than relocation. Talked with subcontractor to have walls cut down on #s-100 next week so we can set top slab.
Problems: work area at #s-100 was flooded this morning.
Cranked pumps up at 4:45. Pumped storm water till 7:30 to get low enough to start forming to pour today. Had to reset all sand bats in box and MH because yesterdays rain washed everything out. Poured box culvert collars and tie ins from 3-4:45. Today we got load of concrete hauled off. Left big 6" pump running tonight! Maybe water will be lower in the morning where we can tie 48" ADS pipe into box. Will crank up pumps early in the morning.
Set up pumps and removed 2" of rain that flooded structure #s-100, formed and poured connection collars. Mudded new box culverts to #s-100 and sealed off all lifting locations. Installed change order tree barriers and began clearing and stacking contaminated wood from pond excavation.
concrete contractor completed collars. Excavating contractor continued pond excavation.
Met with excavation contractor to discuss problems with pond. Told him all slopes and pond bottoms will have to be grade before ground water can be pumped to holding area for excavation can be completed. Called Beau to let him know the situation and what I told the contractor would have to be done before anymore excavating and exporting of fill. Beau said if we have to set up pump for dewatering to go ahead. I told him we can't pump until they complete a section large enough to hold the water. It is to turbid to pump off site and he agreed.
Problems: pond slopes are not correct and have to be resolved before transfer of water from existing pond.
Went to CC Pond job and cranked up pumps at 6:10 am to pump down water in box culvert so we could set new box culvert and form 2' collar around box. Went back to home depot and got 8 firmboards and 150' of silt fence and 200' of orange tee protection fence. Set 2 sections of box culvert and helped get form work started. Rained hard for 5 mins and flooded everything out. Tyied to pump down and rain came again. Shut off pumps and called it a day. Checked job and covered up TSI hoe top where rain would not get in cab.
Set up both 2" pumps and 6" pumps to remove 3' of water from around structure due to rains last night. Cut rebar, drilled and doweled both existing box culverts. Set both new box culverts and began forming connection collars. Rain began at 12 and flooded structure. Set up pumps and pumped until 3:30.
pond contractor continued excavation. Concrete contractor drilled, doweled and began forming tie-ins but was rained out.
Called Larry to find someone to cut structure walls to work with the existing curb and pavement grades. One can't cut them until Tuesday and another Friday. Also gave him the elevations of conflict for pricing information. Shot pond bottom elevations and called Beau to let him know that south end still needs 5' to grade and flow through 2.5 for grades. He wants me to contact contractor excavating pond for a plan to recover that material excavated area at existing BFP to be relocated. Excavation revealed a menagerie of piping that no one can explain yet. Stay tuned for further information.
Problems: rain
Set up pumps and pump down water in box culvert. Removed box culvert. Lay out boxes and dig and get ready to set box and culvert. Crate may safe his rig was too small for job and left. Havson called and said boy would be late. Trucker refused to haul. Havson said back change for crane delay. Boy showed up at 1- 4 hours late. Set box and had some problems with opt grade. Williams concrete came and started drilling for dowel pins for culvert.
Removed existing box culvert, excavated for new structure, rocked floor, set up pumps and set structure #5-100. Sub-contractor arrived too late to form/pour collars. He began drilling existing box culvert for dowel replacement. Continued excavating pond. 137 loads/ 2466 CY.
first crane arrived at 8:30 but was too small for structure weight. They called for a bigger crane which didn't arrive until 1:30 and then he had to wait until his rigging truck arrived.
Structure was to be on site at 9, and arrived at 2:30. So there was no time to set new box culverts. Existing culverts have to be drilled and doweled before new sections can be installed.
structure #5-100 is too tall to work with existing pavement grade so it will have to be cut down 7" and rings/covers will have to be modified. Also the pavement grade will probably need to be raised.
Beau stopped by and I hold him and Larry about problems we were having and he said to do what we need to so we can continue.
Problems: wrong crane arrived, structure was late and we had rain.
Helped concrete saw man set up and saw box. Set up pumps and bypass pumps. Took top of box and cut in sections to be taken out early AM tomorrow. Dug up backflow and locate lines coming in to BF not on drawings. Shut pumps off and removed sand bags for night. Rent another 2" pump to help with water tomorrow.
Sawcut existing box culvert in to 1-' sections and removed top. Set up 2" and 3" pumps at box culvert location. Sawcut length of box culvert sections for removal tomorrow. Continued grading/balancing top of pond for 12' pathway. Continued pond excavation hoe operator left
jobsite with out giving today's load count. 14,426 CY removed to date 9/3/2013-9/13/2013.
called Hanson to have two 8" holes cored for under-drain and roof drain discovered in existing box culvert. Took photos of box culvert cutting and sent to Beau. Hanson said they couldn't have box culvert on site until 9:30 or 10 due to width restrictions. City said they want tree protection installed tomorrow for all trees not removed in clearing process. Still don't have answer for wood debris uncovered in pond excavation. Larry said to put it off to the side for now.
Problems: one loader down with flat tire, repair tomorrow.
Continued top of pond grading, removed remaining 36" RCP from existing box culvert and marked for saw cut monday. Continued pond excavation.
contacted century link about cable conflict at box culvert. They cut and moved cable from excavation until we have completed our work. Met with sub-contractor about pouring collars for new box culverts but he is too busy. I have contacted two others but none have committed or given a price yet. Pond contractor did not return my phone calls or come to jobsite as he said yesterday. Called Larry to inform him that we will have to inform him that we will have to core and install a roof drain and underdrain in new box culvert since we found these in the existing during excavation.
Problems: exposed a fibre optic cable in conflict with #s-100. Different cable from yesterday.
Cleaned up trash and roots boards trash pipe from around lift station area. Back fill catch basin. We set tuesday and set grate on top of box. Start to dig up 48" pipe and lay another joint closer to box culvert but ran into a fiber cable. No one would take ownership of line so we cut it to see who if any one would come and complain. Lost 4.5 hours due to locates and cable.
Installed 6" orifice pipe in control structure #108. Continued hauling clearing debris from site and began loading and hauling trees to sawmill. Continued stripping, balancing and grading for pathway around pond top.
Problems: began opening area at box culvert location but found an unmarked directional bore in direct conflict with structure.
Called pond contractor to discuss the excavation process. His operator said he was not finished the south end of pond. I talked to Paul Walsh about it and he stated that they had completed all they could without layout. I told him the layout was in place when he started and they didn't protect it. I called Beau and told him about the situation and he said they had an agreement about the pond excavation along with a letter generated that addressed it. He said to meet with Paul and try to resolve it. We uncovered an unmarked directional bore under the existing box culvert at structure #100 location. Called Larry and all locate services to determine what it was but no one claims it. It will have to be moved prior to installation.
Went to Deland to get measurements on box culvert box and box culvert pieces. Came all the way back to turn pipe and then had to turn around and go back to Sanford to pick up gaskets for 48" ADS pipe and then back to st. Cloud to get PVC fittings for bleeder pipe for control structure.
Continued hauling clearing debris to be burned. Hauled two remaining manhole bases to Kissimmee yard. Continued surface grading of pond top and moved materials out of pond excavation area. Began clean raking of tree area in pond. Mudded 15" HDOE at storm structure #107. Continued pond excavation. 113 loads/ 2034 CY.
Met with Larry about structure #100 at box culvert. He brought more shop drawings this morning that clarified the connection but was too late to reschedule cutting for today. Talked to Beau about us picking up on
site for dimensions and elevations needed to avoid any conflicts. Re- scheduled crane and delivery of structure and box culvert for monday.
Problems: concrete sawing had to be re-scheduled for monday due to information regarding new structure.
Wellpoint box culverts. Load stumps. Set 1 drary box and run 60' of 15" ADS pipe to pond.
Wellpoints were installed at box culvert location and pump started for dewatering. Laid 15" HDPE into pond, set structure #107, back-filled and compacted continued loading and hauling clearing debris. Began balancing top of pond for pathway. Continued excavation of retention pond. 125 loads/ 2250 CY.
talked to Beau about job progress. He wants me to go look at proposed water main for shingle creek project. Called Larry to tell him we needed two 48" gaskets and that Mack sent a 12" riser instead of an eccentric 12" top slab for manhole $1. I told him we will also need two low profile storm rings and covers for box culvert. He gave me a cop of shop draining for box culver and it does not match the plan drawing. I told him we can't pour the required collars for connection to existing box culvert if structure does not have stub outs.
Problems: wellpoints did not get put down and pumping until 2. They should have been done before noon.