Today we pumped water out of box culvert storm box and installed the inverts we poured last Friday. We also installed skimmer as per inspector "Butch" and John Tulack. Mid morning went back to yard while box was pumping down and got dump truck to haul away to storage yard (Kissimmee) yard. Top soil with roots in it. Will need to be screened.
Set 2" and 6" pump up in #s-100 to pump down and maintain flow. Used a jack hammer to clean all concrete from floor and installed 8 precast inverts sections. Installed fabricated aluminum skimmer to weir wall as per plan. 110 loads/1980 CY. Contractor began exporting fill from pond again. Skimmer for structure #s-100 was delivered today.
Larry stopped by jobsite for pond progress and talked to Butch about BFP relocation and skimmer for #s-108. Got our dump truck from shop to begin hauling contaminated/unsuitable material for pond excavation to Kissimmee yard stockpile.