Helped concrete saw man set up and saw box. Set up pumps and bypass pumps. Took top of box and cut in sections to be taken out early AM tomorrow. Dug up backflow and locate lines coming in to BF not on drawings. Shut pumps off and removed sand bags for night. Rent another 2" pump to help with water tomorrow.
Sawcut existing box culvert in to 1-' sections and removed top. Set up 2" and 3" pumps at box culvert location. Sawcut length of box culvert sections for removal tomorrow. Continued grading/balancing top of pond for 12' pathway. Continued pond excavation hoe operator left
jobsite with out giving today's load count. 14,426 CY removed to date 9/3/2013-9/13/2013.
called Hanson to have two 8" holes cored for under-drain and roof drain discovered in existing box culvert. Took photos of box culvert cutting and sent to Beau. Hanson said they couldn't have box culvert on site until 9:30 or 10 due to width restrictions. City said they want tree protection installed tomorrow for all trees not removed in clearing process. Still don't have answer for wood debris uncovered in pond excavation. Larry said to put it off to the side for now.
Problems: one loader down with flat tire, repair tomorrow.