September 17, 2013

Set up pumps and pump down water in box culvert. Removed box culvert. Lay out boxes and dig and get ready to set box and culvert. Crate may safe his rig was too small for job and left. Havson called and said boy would be late. Trucker refused to haul. Havson said back change for crane delay. Boy showed up at 1- 4 hours late. Set box and had some problems with opt grade. Williams concrete came and started drilling for dowel pins for culvert.

Removed existing box culvert, excavated for new structure, rocked floor, set up pumps and set structure #5-100. Sub-contractor arrived too late to form/pour collars. He began drilling existing box culvert for dowel replacement. Continued excavating pond. 137 loads/ 2466 CY.

first crane arrived at 8:30 but was too small for structure weight. They called for a bigger crane which didn't arrive until 1:30 and then he had to wait until his rigging truck arrived.
Structure was to be on site at 9, and arrived at 2:30. So there was no time to set new box culverts. Existing culverts have to be drilled and doweled before new sections can be installed.
structure #5-100 is too tall to work with existing pavement grade so it will have to be cut down 7" and rings/covers will have to be modified. Also the pavement grade will probably need to be raised.
Beau stopped by and I hold him and Larry about problems we were having and he said to do what we need to so we can continue.

Problems: wrong crane arrived, structure was late and we had rain.