Arrived at work to find hole full of water and about to flow over weak. No rain last night and could not figure where all the water came from. We were able to maintain water yesterday but could not pump it down till we put more sand bags in MH. Pump down around 10:30 and laid last joint of 48" ADS in to box and cement in. Joint back to job tonight to gas up small pumps last time to give cement time to dry. Will back some tomorrow. Put 48" plug in line to keep from flooding job.
Contractor stripped forms from #s-100 after 3 hours of pumping. Tied 48" HDPE into #s-100 and mudded pipe, removed sand bags and began
back-fill and compaction. Installed plug in 48" FES and continued cleaning debris from pond and grading top. Pond contractor began pulling and grading slopes as agreed. No trucks today.
City inspector gave me a drawing that shows how 6" BFP to be relocated was installed. I told him the valve to shut down the BFP has been paved over, one leg of feeder pipe is under pavement and none of that is shown on plans. I will get with Larry and Beau before we do anything because it involves a lot more than relocation. Talked with subcontractor to have walls cut down on #s-100 next week so we can set top slab.
Problems: work area at #s-100 was flooded this morning.